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icon1.gif   elog notification process causes the email to be truncated when going to Blackberry, posted by eric wooten on Mon Feb 10 23:05:36 2003 
    icon1.gif   Re: elog notification process causes the email to be truncated when going to Blackberry, posted by eric wooten on Mon Feb 10 23:11:25 2003 
       icon1.gif   Re: elog notification process causes the email to be truncated when going to Blackberry, posted by eric wooten on Mon Feb 10 23:19:50 2003 
          icon2.gif   Re: elog notification process causes the email to be truncated when going to Blackberry, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Feb 11 08:57:39 2003 
Message ID: 209     Entry time: Mon Feb 10 23:05:36 2003     Reply to this: 210
Icon: Entry  Author: eric wooten  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: elog notification process causes the email to be truncated when going to Blackberry 
Hi Stefan,

Many users have there email forward to Blackberry devices.  Although I 
wasn't aware, it appears the Blackberry has a limit (or maybe one was set) 
of how big the message can be (still checking for that though).

Previously, a modification was made that addressed the issue of slow ELOG 
response when saving the elog entry.   I think the change was for ELOG to 
generate one email and send to all the users designated to receive the 
notification.  This caused everyone to show up as "TO" addresses.

This change makes the Email header increase in size (length).  I guess the 
Blackberry counts the Header portion as part of the email size limit.

Any ideas?

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6