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icon5.gif   Resubmit-as-new-entry behaviour when synchronizing/mirroring, posted by Andreas Warburton on Fri Nov 24 23:08:33 2006 
    icon2.gif   Re: Resubmit-as-new-entry behaviour when synchronizing/mirroring, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 28 12:50:19 2006 
Message ID: 2091     Entry time: Fri Nov 24 23:08:33 2006     Reply to this: 2099
Icon: Question  Author: Andreas Warburton  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux | Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.2-1755 
Subject: Resubmit-as-new-entry behaviour when synchronizing/mirroring 

I am running two ELOG installations: one on my Windows laptop; the other on a Debian linux web server. I have mirroring set up between the two installations. This has worked well for over a year. I am hoping that someone can help me regarding the following odd behaviour.

1. I edit (create) an entry on my Windows laptop. This entry gets mirrored or synchronized to the Linux machine.

2. I can view the entry fine both on the Windows side and on the Linux side.

3. I then edit the entry on the Linux side. After saving, the revised entry is visible on the Linux side.

4. I then have the same entry number available on both installations, but the two have different content due to my edit.

5. If I then synchronize, the original (unedited) entry is preserved along with the new entry, so both the Windows and Linux installations now have TWO entries each, representing the unedited and edited versions. The time stamps are identical, but the edited version is given a new ID number.

As a check, I explicitly added the line "Resubmit default = 0", which I know refers to editing and not synchronization, to my config file. The weird thing is that the synchronize/mirror operation seems to be acting with a "Resubmit default = 2" kind of behaviour.

Has anyone observed this happening?

Thanks for any comments or insights.

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