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Message ID: 2111     Entry time: Sat Jan 13 17:47:45 2007
Icon: Smile  Author: Exaos Lee  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version:  
Subject: Group definition under top group 
Hi, I think, if we can put the "Group xxx = xxx" under some "global xxxx" sections, the configure file will be more clean. Don't you think so? In fact, if the "Group XXX" sections are put under "global XXX" section, the "Top Group XXX" can be ignored. I also found that some options (e.g. "Logbook dir =") under "global" don't work under "global XXX".
Maybe the configure file can be defined more flexible, such as this way:
Port = 8080
Top configuration = yes

[global Group1]
Group config = group1.cfg

[global Group2]
Group config = group2.cfg
The "group1.cfg" looks like this:
Top configuration = no
Password file = group1.pwd
Group Linux PCs = Red Hat, Debian, Gentoo
Group Windows PCs = 98, ME, XP, Vista
Group Vista = Home, Pro, Media Center

[Red Hat]
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6