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icon8.gif   Two different attributes with the same list, posted by deletoille on Wed Jan 17 09:20:17 2007 fiche_panne2.JPG
    icon2.gif   Re: Two different attributes with the same list, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jan 17 12:49:25 2007 
       icon2.gif   Re: Two different attributes with the same list, posted by deletoille on Wed Jan 17 13:27:46 2007 
          icon2.gif   Re: Two different attributes with the same list, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jan 17 13:33:27 2007 
Message ID: 2118     Entry time: Wed Jan 17 13:27:46 2007     In reply to: 2116     Reply to this: 2119
Icon: Reply  Author: deletoille  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux | Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.3-1762 
Subject: Re: Two different attributes with the same list 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

deletoille wrote:
In this picture of my project, All the attributes included in the red circle are the same except the names of the attribute “Equipement Incriminé” and “Equipement impacté”.
“Equipement Incriminé” and “Equipement impacté” have the same list.

The displayed list for the both attributes is the multiple conditions result coming from the choice of “groupe incriminé or impacté, sous ensemble, selection, and localisation”.

So if I have to program the list twice, it will be twice bigger.

Do I need to program the same list twice for the two attributes or is there a simple command to say that the two precedent attributes are equal?

I don't understand your problem. The picture you attached, was this some ELOG output (it looks very different than the usual one...)? Do mean you have two attributes with the same "Options <attribute> = ...,..,.." list? With "multiple conditions" you mean that you do a search in ELOG with a condition one one attribute, but in the filter list both attributes having the same option list are shown. Is this correct? What section of the configuration file are you talking about?

Best regards


I'm soory, i'm very poor in english.

Here is a very small part of my program:

{AE&Anneau&Panne} Moptions Défaut = Flowmeter or Door meter, Communication, Earth, IAC, Driver, Temp. Ambiant, Phase, Cooling Water, Overvoltage, OverCurrent, Sample Card, Ripple, EEPROM, Autres
{AE&Anneau&Gr} Moptions Equipement incriminé = Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, QT, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, Alim correcteurs H., Alim correcteurs V., alim. Dipole, Alim Q., Alim S.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C01} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.1, Q5.1, QB, Q4.2, Q5.2, Q6, Q7, Q8, S1-CH, S1-QT, S2-CV, S4-CH, S4-CV, S4-QT, S5-CV, S6-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C02} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q6.1, Q7.1, Q8.1, Q9.1, Q10.1, QB, Q6.2, Q7.2, Q8.2, Q9.2, Q10.2, S7.1-CV, S7.2-CV, S8.1-CH, S8.2-CH, S8.2-QT, S9.1-CV, S9.2-CV, S10.1-CH, S10.1-QT, S10.2-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C03} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q6.1, Q7.1, Q8.1, Q9.1, Q10.1, QB, Q6.2, Q7.2, Q8.2, Q9.2, Q10.2, S7.1-CV, S7.2-CV, S8.1-CH, S8.1-QT, S8.2-CH, S9.1-CV, S9.2-CV, S10.1-CH, S10.2-CH, S10.2-QT, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C04} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.1, Q5.1, QB, Q4.2, Q5.2, Q6, Q7, Q8, S1-CH, S1-QT, S2-CV, S4-CH, S4-CV, S4-QT, S5-CV, S6-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C05} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.1, Q5.1, QB, Q4.2, Q5.2, Q6, Q7, Q8, S1-CH, S1-QT, S2-CV, S4-CH, S4-CV, S4-QT, S5-CV, S6-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C06} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q6.1, Q7.1, Q8.1, Q9.1, Q10.1, QB, Q6.2, Q7.2, Q8.2, Q9.2, Q10.2, S7.1-CV, S7.2-CV, S8.1-CH, S8.2-CH, S8.2-QT, S9.1-CV, S9.2-CV, S10.1-CH, S10.1-QT, S10.2-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C07} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q6.1, Q7.1, Q8.1, Q9.1, Q10.1, QB, Q6.2, Q7.2, Q8.2, Q9.2, Q10.2, S7.1-CV, S7.2-CV, S8.1-CH, S8.1-QT ,S8.2-CH, S9.1-CV, S9.2-CV, S10.1-CH, S10.2-CH, S10.2-QT, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C08} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.1, Q5.1, QB, Q4.2, Q5.2, Q6, Q7, Q8, S1-CH, S1-QT, S2-CV, S4-CH, S4-CV, S4-QT, S5-CV, S6-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C09} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.1, Q5.1, QB, Q4.2, Q5.2, Q6, Q7, Q8, S1-CH, S1-QT, S2-CV, S4-CH, S4-CV, S4-QT, S5-CV, S6-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C10} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q6.1, Q7.1, Q8.1, Q9.1, Q10.1, QB, Q6.2, Q7.2, Q8.2, Q9.2, Q10.2, S7.1-CV, S7.2-CV, S8.1-CH, S8.2-CH ,S8.2-QT, S9.1-CV, S9.2-CV, S10.1-CH, S10.1-QT, S10.2-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C11} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q6.1, Q7.1, Q8.1, Q9.1, Q10.1, QB, Q6.2, Q7.2, Q8.2, Q9.2, Q10.2, S7.1-CV, S7.2-CV, S8.1-CH, S8.1-QT, S8.2-CH, S9.1-CV, S9.2-CV, S10.1-CH, S10.2-CH, S10.2-QT, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C12} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.1, Q5.1, QB, Q4.2, Q5.2, Q6, Q7, Q8, S1-CH, S1-QT, S2-CV, S4-CH, S4-CV, S4-QT, S5-CV, S6-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C13} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.1, Q5.1, QB, Q4.2, Q5.2, Q6, Q7, Q8, S1-CH, S1-QT, S2-CV, S4-CH, S4-CV, S4-QT, S5-CV, S6-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C14} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q6.1, Q7.1, Q8.1, Q9.1, Q10.1, QB, Q6.2, Q7.2, Q8.2, Q9.2, Q10.2, S7.1-CV, S7.2-CV, S8.1-CH, S8.2-CH, S8.2-QT, S9.1-CV, S9.2-CV, S10.1-CH, S10.1-QT, S10.2-CH, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C15} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q6.1, Q7.1, Q8.1, Q9.1, Q10.1, QB, Q6.2, Q7.2, Q8.2, Q9.2, Q10.2, S7.1-CV, S7.2-CV, S8.1-CH, S8.1-QT, S8.2-CH, S9.1-CV, S9.2-CV, S10.1-CH, S10.2-CH, S10.2-QT, COR.
{AE&Anneau&Se&C16} Moptions Equipement incriminé = QA, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.1, Q5.1, QB, Q4.2, Q5.2, Q6, Q7, Q8, S1-CH, S1-QT, S2-CV, S4-CH, S4-CV, S4-QT, S5-CV, S6-CH, COR.

Do I have to program the list for "Equipement Impacté" or is there a simple command to say that "Equipement incrimé" and "equipement inpacté" have the same list?

Thanks in advance
Xavier Deletoille
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6