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icon4.gif   ELOG Crash by many email address, posted by An Thai on Fri Jan 12 15:28:46 2007 crash.PNG
    icon2.gif   Re: ELOG Crash by many email address, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jan 16 23:01:30 2007 
       icon2.gif   Re: ELOG Crash by many email address, posted by Grant Jeffcote on Tue Feb 6 18:19:57 2007 
Message ID: 2123     Entry time: Tue Feb 6 18:19:57 2007     In reply to: 2114
Icon: Reply  Author: Grant Jeffcote  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.3-1776 
Subject: Re: ELOG Crash by many email address 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

An Thai wrote:

when I try to set above 112 email addresses in
"Email All = ..."
the Elog service will crash with the error ntdll.dll or memory addresses x0000000.
This problem does not happen when I reduce the number of email addresses.

Have you had the same problem?

I fixed that crash in the current version, but there is actually a limit of 100 email addresses. So anyhow you won't get the 12 ones above 100. I will try to increase that limit in the next version of elog.

Hi Stefan,

I'm also having a problem in the latest version with Elog crashing with multiple email addresses.
I am using 'MOptions' for email list selection using the execute shell script to send a predefined list (ie. the email list is in a text file not in the Elog config).
It seems when the list contains exactly 9 addresses it causes Elog to crash with a failure similar to An's, any less or any more and they are sent fine? Also when certain combinations of multiple list selections are made the Elog process will also crash? I am running the Elog process as an application (ie. not as a service, as per An's workaround) as it's the only way I can get the -x switch to work with Windows, this means the Elog daemon has to be manually restarted. Running WinXP SP2.
Any suggestions?

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6