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icon3.gif   Finding conditions in Search page., posted by Robert-Jan Schrijvers on Thu Mar 1 15:46:59 2007 
    icon2.gif   Re: Finding conditions in Search page., posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Mar 1 22:36:01 2007 
       icon14.gif   Re: Finding conditions in Search page., posted by Robert-Jan Schrijvers on Fri Mar 2 09:40:28 2007 
Message ID: 2151     Entry time: Thu Mar 1 22:36:01 2007     In reply to: 2147     Reply to this: 2152
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: V2.6.3-176 
Subject: Re: Finding conditions in Search page. 

Robert-Jan Schrijvers wrote:
This is my question: when i use the "search/find" page and select the first drop down menu "Locatie", the next field "Sessies" will not be displayed (and all following fields either). On the other hand, when i create a new entry, it works perfect, select "Locatie", field "Sessies" displays his content and so on. I hope that someone can help me with this.

This was never meant to work like that. On the find page, conditional attributes are not evaluated for following reason: Assume you want to search for Orgus = ZGN. Currently you simply type ZGN in the Orgus field and you're done. With drop down lists, you first would have to select Locatie = extern, then Sessies = Risc/Bus/Sms Pro, and only then you could select Orgus = ZGN. That would require three steps. Technically it's however possible to implement what you want, but I would wait until more people request this.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6