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icon5.gif   Hiding attributes in Detail view?, posted by Justin Ellison on Fri Mar 2 16:39:22 2007 
    icon2.gif   Re: Hiding attributes in Detail view?, posted by Justin Ellison on Fri Mar 9 22:14:57 2007 
    icon2.gif   Re: Hiding attributes in Detail view?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Mar 12 20:35:17 2007 
Message ID: 2153     Entry time: Fri Mar 2 16:39:22 2007     Reply to this: 2160   2161
Icon: Question  Author: Justin Ellison  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS:   ELOG Version: 2.6.4-179 
Subject: Hiding attributes in Detail view? 
First off, thanks so much for this product. It works excellent for us as a server activity log. I have a question, which depending on the answer, might be a feature request Wink

As I mentioned, we use elog as a serverlog. Sometimes, but not always, we will have a Bugzilla bug # that is associated with the log entry. We then take that bug #, and build a link to our bugzilla server displaying the bug. Here's the relevant config entries:
Attributes = Author, Classification, Subject, Bug Number, Environment, Server, Bugzilla
#Make the list table narrow enough to fit in the browser
List display = ID, Date, Author, Subject, Server, Bugzilla
#We take in a Bug Number from the user, then calculate a Bugzilla link from that
Change Bugzilla = <a href="http://bugz:4545/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=$Bug Number">$Bug Number</a>
List Change Bugzilla = <a href="http://bugz:4545/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=$Bug Number">$Bug Number</a>
Hidden Attributes = Bugzilla

So, on new entry, the user has the option to enter a Bug Number. Bugzilla is not displayed because it is derived. In list view, Bug Number is not displayed, but Bugzilla is, providing a handy link to the bug on a different server.

The only thing that isn't working as I'd like is when someone views a log entry. Both Bug Number and Bugzilla show up in the attributes. This isn't a huge deal, it's just showing redundant data.

Is there a way to hide Bug Number on the view page?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6