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icon3.gif   Feature request, posted by Nick on Tue Feb 11 11:26:03 2003 
    icon3.gif   Re: Feature request, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Feb 11 11:45:22 2003 
       icon2.gif   Re: Feature request, posted by Nick on Wed Feb 12 01:11:08 2003 
          icon2.gif   Re: Feature request, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Feb 12 08:54:05 2003 
Message ID: 218     Entry time: Wed Feb 12 01:11:08 2003     In reply to: 217     Reply to this: 219
Icon: Reply  Author: Nick  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: Feature request 
> > Can you consider implementing the following additions to the functionality
> > 
> > 1) Subt on edit <attribute> = xyz 
> > 
> > This would be fantastic for implementing version control so you can see 
> who 
> > has edited a posted or a db entry.
> Can you give me an example of how you would use that?


Lets say you are storing configuration information relating to a customers 
solution, you need the ability to track who has made what changes to the 
config information stored in the log book so you can backtrack who changed 
what and when, for example

If you have a field name called Last Edited by this field is locked and not 
editable using the Lock attributes flag, but if you had Subt on edit 
everytime that entry is updated it places your login name into this field and 
therefore stamps it to say you have edited it, as the field isnt free txt it 
cant be spoofed as the $long_name comes from your login details.

> > 2) Have a SORT fieldname flag so you can decide which column to sort 
> things 
> > by on a display listing in conjunction to the display flags, it current 
> > defaults to the # column and I find i am directly linking to a sorted 
> > display
> Sorting is not done by the "#" column but by the sequence when messages 
> been entered. You can sort the table differently by clicking on the table 
> titles (twice for reverse sort). To sort by default on a column, for 
> sort by the author, you can add
> Start page = ?sort=author
> into elogd.cfg which does the job.
Excellent I didnt know what Ill try that tomorrow


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