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icon5.gif   Is there (planned) support for <A NAME> and <HR /> in ELCODE?, posted by Kevin McCarty on Thu Apr 26 16:43:45 2007 
    icon2.gif   Re: Is there (planned) support for <A NAME> and <HR /> in ELCODE?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Apr 27 08:38:58 2007 
       icon2.gif   Re: Is there (planned) support for <A NAME> and <HR /> in ELCODE?, posted by Kevin McCarty on Fri Apr 27 08:56:10 2007 
    icon2.gif   Re: Is there (planned) support for <A NAME> and <HR /> in ELCODE?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Apr 27 13:06:59 2007 
Message ID: 2218     Entry time: Thu Apr 26 16:43:45 2007     Reply to this: 2221   2223
Icon: Question  Author: Kevin McCarty  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.3-1764 
Subject: Is there (planned) support for <A NAME> and <HR /> in ELCODE? 

I am wondering if there is any support (or if not, if it is planned) for inserting HTML <a name> and <hr /> tags via ELCODE. This would be useful for long log messages in order to provide a table of contents and divide them into clear sections. If this support already exists, I'm afraid it is not obvious to me how to access it in ELCODE. If it does not yet exist, would you consider a patch for it?

As a related issue, to support <a name> usefully, it will also be necessary for ELCODE to support things like [url=#tag], which it currently converts to <a href = "http:///#tag"> instead the expected result of <a href = "#tag">.

(Please send me replies also by email at kmccarty AT princeton DOT edu, as I don't check this forum often.)

Thanks for writing ELOG; our group has been using it very productively on our server for the last few weeks.

best regards,

-- Kevin McCarty
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6