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icon3.gif   Boolean, posted by Grant Jeffcote on Fri Aug 3 15:49:05 2007 
    icon2.gif   Re: Boolean, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Aug 3 16:00:42 2007 
       icon2.gif   Re: Boolean, posted by Grant Jeffcote on Fri Aug 3 17:03:46 2007 
          icon2.gif   Re: Boolean, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Aug 3 17:05:56 2007 
Message ID: 2303     Entry time: Fri Aug 3 16:00:42 2007     In reply to: 2302     Reply to this: 2304
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.5-1903 
Subject: Re: Boolean 

Grant Jeffcote wrote:
I've noticed in the latest release when using the 'Find' page that any boolean expression (tick box) is now shown as '0,1 or unspecified'. Is this intentional? My colleagues are finding it hard to get their heads around what to choose and preferred the old 'Tick Box' option. Have there been changes to the configuration arguments used for Boolean that I've missed?

Well, maybe you didn't realize, but searching for boolean attributes never really worked. If you want to search for entries where a boolean is true (or 1), then you could check the tick box in the past. But if you wanted to search for all entries were an attribute was false (not true) you could not do it, because the system assumed you are not interested in an attribute if the tick box was not checked. With the new way, you could either specify 'unspecified' meaning you are not filtering on this attribute, or you can explicitly specify '0', to look for entries where the attribute is false. The best would be to have a three-state tick box, which can be on/off/grayed. Under Windows API this does exist, but not in HTML. So I had to go with the three radio buttons.

Now one could argue how to name boolean states. There are several options:

  • 0 / 1
  • no / yes
  • false / true
  • off /on

I have chosen the first one, but that's kind of arbitrary. If the community believes that another one is better, I'm willing to change.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6