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icon4.gif   Too many logbooks during user registration, posted by Steve Jones on Mon Aug 6 17:43:52 2007 
    icon2.gif   Re: Too many logbooks during user registration, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Aug 7 18:39:37 2007 
       icon2.gif   Re: Too many logbooks during user registration, posted by Steve Jones on Tue Sep 11 15:30:11 2007 
          icon2.gif   Re: Too many logbooks during user registration, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Sep 11 21:25:11 2007 
Message ID: 2306     Entry time: Mon Aug 6 17:43:52 2007     Reply to this: 2307
Icon: Warning  Author: Steve Jones  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.6.2-1739 
Subject: Too many logbooks during user registration 
Stefan, we require registration with elog. We have quite a number of logbooks and when someone requests a login account AND elects to register with all of the logbooks, the resulting URL is apparently too long for browsers to handle when the admins click on the link embedded in the email notification. For example, FireFox (latest ver) appears to truncate the URL *after* submission (the correct URL is there before submission).

My question: Is it possible to limit - or remove - the checkboxes that the user can select during registration? I realize that this is a browser issue but I doubt I can persuade those guys to fix FireFox.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6