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icon5.gif   Themes BUG ?, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Mon Feb 24 09:23:39 2003 
    icon5.gif   Re: Themes BUG ?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Feb 24 13:22:06 2003 
Message ID: 232     Entry time: Mon Feb 24 09:23:39 2003     Reply to this: 234
Icon: Question  Author: Tomas Rudolf  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Themes BUG ? 
We prepared a customized theme to use with ELOG. It's called for example 
my_theme and is situated in the THEMES directory (together with the DEFAULT 

I defined the my_theme the global theme for ELOG:

Theme = my_theme

And it works fine for all the logbook in ELOG. However. The login screen 
and the main menu screen (the one with list of logbooks and # of entries) 
still takes the DEFAULT theme. 

If I change the my_theme name to default then everything works correctly 
(logon + main menu + all logbooks have the desired look).

Is the DEFAULT theme somehow hardcoded for the login screen and the main 
menu ?

Thanx for your answer

Tomas Rudolf
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6