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icon6.gif   testing for the limit of the elog database , posted by Arno Teunisse on Sat Oct 6 15:39:12 2007 
    icon2.gif   Re: testing for the limit of the elog database , posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Oct 6 15:44:51 2007 
       icon2.gif   Re: testing for the limit of the elog database , posted by Arno Teunisse on Sat Oct 6 15:56:13 2007 
          icon2.gif   Re: testing for the limit of the elog database , posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Oct 6 16:11:50 2007 
Message ID: 2324     Entry time: Sat Oct 6 15:56:13 2007     In reply to: 2323     Reply to this: 2325
Icon: Reply  Author: Arno Teunisse  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.5-1890 
Subject: Re: testing for the limit of the elog database  

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Arno Teunisse wrote:
So there are only 2 user defined fields in the database.
Everything works ......... but terrible slow : is there a rule of thumb for the size of the database ?

Yes. The rule of thumb is that currently elog runs fine for a few 10000 entries. At 100000 entries it starts getting slow. I have already in my to-do list the task to improve the performance for large databases, and I have a rough idea where the bottleneck is, but I pushed the priority low because not many people have large databases right now (but it might change in the future). How many entries do you have? (It's not the size of the entries, but the number!)

That's a quick answer. Wink I just was testing. I'm trying to introduce elog at work, so i'm not having an actual database in production. In the test database I had 125386 entries. Two column: "Customers name" and "documents".

By the way : my email address has changed : how do I change that ??

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