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icon5.gif   extendable options, posted by Arno Teunisse on Sat Oct 13 15:32:23 2007 debug_screen.txtelog.JPG
    icon2.gif   Re: extendable options, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 22 16:33:50 2007 
    icon2.gif   Re: extendable options, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Oct 22 21:22:28 2007 
Message ID: 2329     Entry time: Sat Oct 13 15:32:23 2007     Reply to this: 65627   65630
Icon: Question  Author: Arno Teunisse  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.6.5-1890 
Subject: extendable options 
running ELOG V2.6.5-1890
Snap of the config file :
; attributes
Attributes = OS, Version, Klant , Category, Subject
Options OS = AIX{1}, HP-UX{2} , Redhat{3} , Suse{4}, Fedora{5}, SUN{6}
Options Category = Documentation, disk , network , software , backup , boot,
Options Klant = None, Cust1 , Cust2 , Cust3 , Cust4, Cust5
{1} options Version = 4.3, 5.1 , 5.2 ,5.3
{2} options Version = 10.20, 11.11, 11.23
{3} options Version = 4.0
{4} options Version = 10.0
{5} options Version = 5.0,6.0,7.0
{6} options Version = 5.6,5.7,5.8,5.9,5.10
extendable Options = Category, Klant, OS , Version
============ end of snap

When I click the "Add Version" button Elog end's with a "Internal error, no
valid header!" after hitting the submit button. ( See attachments )

An other problem is when I add a new OS and a new Version at the same time. The
OS is added , ( without the {7} extension.) and no new "{7} options version = "
gets added.

Is there a way to get this going?
Attachment 1: debug_screen.txt  2 kB  | Hide | Hide all
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Sat Oct 13 15:09:04 2007
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Internal error, no valid header!
Attachment 2: elog.JPG  38 kB  | Hide | Hide all
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6