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icon6.gif   Security (passwords over web browser), posted by Aamir Khan on Tue Feb 25 22:18:57 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: Security (passwords over web browser), posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Feb 26 10:34:12 2003 
Message ID: 239     Entry time: Wed Feb 26 10:34:12 2003     In reply to: 236
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Comment  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: Security (passwords over web browser) 
> Stefan - Just to say that this is an excellent piece of work well done.

> 1) is there a way around seeing the password in text when self 
> if I turn this option off when the user changes his password will this 
> password still be seen?

Where did you see the password? Was it on this logbook or on your own? Did 
you use "self register" equal 3 or 2? The password should never be visible 
in plain text, so after you submit it (during registration or login), the 
page gets immediately redirected since the password is contained in the 
URL. After the redirection, it is not visible any more. Now it might happen 
that the redirection takes a few seconds, depending on the network speed, 
then you see it for this few seconds. But in an intranet installation, this 
should not happen.

> 2) I have changed all the files to be owned on my RedHat Server by the 
> user:group as elog:elog and set and moved the logbooks to another 
> other than in /usr/local/elog namely /home/elog/logbooks, my concern is 
> I was to upgrade to a newer version would it be a simple install over the 
> top? any caveats?

Yes, if you upgrade, the new version will again to into /usr/local/elog 
unless you tell "rpm" to relocate the package. Unfortunately I'm not a 
specialist with "rpm", but you might figure it out yourself (just try to 
reinstall the same version and look where the files go wiht "rpm -ql elog").
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6