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icon5.gif   elogd under Apache, login screen always reappears, posted by Michael Doerner on Sat Apr 5 00:33:36 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: elogd under Apache, login screen always reappears, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 8 08:57:20 2003 
Message ID: 271     Entry time: Sat Apr 5 00:33:36 2003     Reply to this: 274
Icon: Question  Author: Michael Doerner  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: elogd under Apache, login screen always reappears 

I am new to elog so please bear with me if this sounds like a stupid

I would like to run elogd under Apache because I don't want to open another
port (eg. 8080) on the firewall for incoming http traffic. I followed the
special instructions for that sort of setup but the user logon screen always
comes up again, even after using a valid username/password.

I am testing on a Redhat 7.2 based distribution (called SME server) in a
test domain ( 
"Apache modules mod_proxy.c and mod_alias.c are activated", Yes.
There seems to be a problem here with the Apache Redirect statement. When I
try with
Redirect permanent /elog
ProxyPass /elog/
Mozilla responds "Redirection limit for this URL exceeded" and IE6 says
"cannot find server or DNS error" so I have commented out the redirect
statement for now.
I might misunderstand the required URL statement in elogd.cfg 
"URL =" ?
which I understand it would have to be 
URL = for my above example?

Maybe someone could help me with an example that includes all 3 of the
statements together, the redirect + proxypass from httpd.conf plus the URL
from elogd.conf?
Thanks for any help.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6