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Message ID: 292     Entry time: Tue Apr 22 11:29:44 2003
Icon: Warning  Author: Thomas Salein  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Opera and IE behave different 
I repeat ...
. Opera browser 7.03 simply crashes, when choosing the direct URL to our 
logbook, i.e. http://localhost:8080/logbook2. We have set a general 
password file and a different read password for each of our logbooks.
If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook1 everything is fine. We get a 
window "Authentication required" and type in simply the read password, no 
user name.
If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook2 the behaviour is different. We 
see the window "Authentication required" appear, then Opera crashes.
Change of the read passwords did not change this erroneous behaviour. This 
problem was not with version ELOG 2.3.4.

In Internet Explorer 6 all is okay.

 ... and add

The behaviour is different in those browsers even with the start page at 
Internet Explorer 6 demands a login. But as we have no password we cannot 
Opera 7.03 demands no login and simply offers the list of logbooks to 
choose one.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6