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icon4.gif   Several Problems with 2.3.5, posted by Thomas Salein on Tue Apr 22 11:18:00 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: Several Problems with 2.3.5, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Apr 22 20:17:34 2003 
Message ID: 302     Entry time: Tue Apr 22 20:17:34 2003     In reply to: 291
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category:   OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: Several Problems with 2.3.5 
> We use ELOG 2.3.5 for Windows with a German language file and have found 
> some new problems:
> . Certain strings are not translated.

That has been fixed in meantime.

> . If a user uses the new "password forgotten" function, he receives an 
> email, but after having clicked the URL in the mail, he gets the following 
> error message as simple text, i.e. not formatted by use of the CSS file:
> Invalid URL: Notizen/?redir=%3Fcmd%3DChange%20password%26old_pwd%
> 3DE3ARcjI/&uname=sal&upassword=E3ARcjI/ 

Have you tried the elogd.cfg setting:


it might help there.

> . If one could not log in through the button "Login", one does not receive 
> an error message, but will be pushed simply back to the main page, 
> status "Not logged in". (This was as far as we know was also with earlier 
> versions of ELOG.)

You should at least receive a login page. So does this push back occur on a 
wrong username there or how does it happen?

> . If you want to change as an admin the passwords of several users, it 
> would be convenient, to get always back to the page, where you may choose 
> the next user ... but you will be pushed back to the main page with the 
> messages. (This was as far as we know was also with earlier versions of 
> ELOG.)

Agree. Will work on that.

> . But the simple change of passwords for users does not always succeed: I 
> have changed the password for a user A to "anuvis", the next user B should 
> have gotten the same new password, but this time it was not accepted. 
> Message "Wrong password". Might it be, that this goes only once because of 
> an initialisation problem ? I had to edit the password file manually.

Can you reproduce the problem? If so, tell me the exact sequence of thing 
you do and I can try to reproduce it as well, then fix it.

> . Opera browser 7.03 simply crashes, when choosing the direct URL to our 
> logbook, i.e. http://localhost:8080/logbook2. We have set a general 
> password file and a different read password for each of our logbooks.
> If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook1 everything is fine. We get a 
> window "Authentication required" and type in simply the read password, no 
> user name.

Wow, your browser crashes? Funny, I never had that. So what does the browser 

> If we choose http://localhost:8080/logbook2 the behaviour is different. We 
> see the window "Authentication required" appear, then Opera crashes.
> Change of the read passwords did not change this erroneous behaviour. This 
> problem was not with version ELOG 2.3.4.

I will try to install 7.03 and reproduce this, might take some while...

> . NOWRAP tag in Date column
> The date column takes quite a lot of space in the logs overview. As the 
> information is only of secondary importance I would prefer date and time 
> being wrapped like e.g. the contributors name. Of course, I could help 
> myself with a 
in my language file, but this would force a break also on > the single message view. Something like Date format = %B %d, %Y in your configuration file reduces the date string length considerably.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6