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icon5.gif   User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri May 2 00:34:26 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 2 08:45:38 2003 
    icon5.gif   Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Robert Keeney on Fri May 2 15:58:23 2003 
       icon5.gif   Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group, posted by Tomas Rudolf on Fri May 2 18:10:36 2003 
Message ID: 312     Entry time: Fri May 2 15:58:23 2003     In reply to: 307     Reply to this: 313
Icon: Question  Author: Robert Keeney  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: User Profile - Access to logbook group 
I have managed to get this to work (so far).

What I do is use a separate password file and directory for each log.

I haven't tested it with with the current version but it worked fine before
that. My testing consisted of creating a user in the main password file and
see if he could get to anything I didn't want him to. This may not be enough
for something that requires a high level of security. 

When I create a new user I move that line to the appropriate password file if
it isn't already there.

You will get an invalid user message and a prompt if you try access a log that
doesn't have your user name in the password file. 

I only have six people using it so this isn't much trouble.

I would like to see groups implemented to make this more manageable.

> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone had a solution for my problem.
> We are trying to run several books on one server. The books are grouped 
> such as follows :
> Group Users1 = Book1, Book2, Book3
> Group Users2 = Book4, Book5, Book6
> Group Users3 = Book7, Book8, Book9
> We would like to give access to selected users to only their Group. So that 
> for instance Users1 cannot access the books of group Users3. I was 
> wondering if there is any notion of "User profile" or security per logbook 
> Group implemented?
> What we do for now is that we have 3 different PASSELOG files and for each 
> Book we need to specify which PASSELOG should be used for authentication. 
> This works fine except that we prefer that users do not see the other 
> logbooks listed in the main menu nor the other "inaccessible" logbook tabs 
> in the logbook view. Is there a way to hide these for them (but only for 
> them)?
> Tomas
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