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icon4.gif   Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src=""> not working, posted by Fred Hooper on Mon May 19 19:14:35 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src=, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue May 20 14:23:56 2003 
       icon2.gif   Re: Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src=, posted by Fred Hooper on Tue May 20 19:09:26 2003 
          icon2.gif   Re: Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src=, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue May 20 22:16:47 2003 
Message ID: 347     Entry time: Tue May 20 14:23:56 2003     In reply to: 345     Reply to this: 348
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS:   ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: Possible Bug: 2.3.7 : Welcome Title = < img src= 
> I noticed that my custom start page did not display the Welcome title icon.
> It worked fine in prior elogs.
> any hints?

Indeed there is a bug, it has to do that some icons wnt into the themes 
directory and are served now from there. So the bug will fixed in the next 
version (the fix is already avaliable from CVS). As a temporary workaround 
you just move your image to the themese/default/ directory and it should 

An absolute path like /usr/local/... does not work, because this would open 
a security hole (someone could access any picture on your computer just by 
requesting an absolute path in the URL), so I removed that option from the 
software and the documentation.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6