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icon1.gif   logboog for new project, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Wed Jun 18 14:50:23 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: logboog for new project, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jun 18 16:11:21 2003 
       icon2.gif   Re: logboog for new project, posted by Etienne Van Caillie on Thu Jun 19 13:45:09 2003 
Message ID: 375     Entry time: Wed Jun 18 16:11:21 2003     In reply to: 374     Reply to this: 376
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Linux | Windows | Mac OSX  ELOG Version:  
Subject: Re: logboog for new project 
> 1. shellonsubmit command : give the possibility to execute external 
> program from elog by sending specific parameter (user/logbook/message ID)
> 2. elog log file in xml format : give a better view on what happens with 
> users see attachments easy to push the files to excel or sql database.

I'm happy to include these functions in the source code, please send them 
to me.

> 3. synchronisation to mySql or SQL server through perl routine and the 
> shellonsubmit command
> this will push any new/edit/delete command in sql server so we keep a 
> full historic off all transaction in ELOG

Can you please put this perl routine into the "Contributions" section

> 4. sms gateway : from elog entry we send sms message throught internet 
> gateway (perl routine)

Same as above.

> other projet : 
> we use a logbook from our external phone call
> from our telephone connected to RS232 and/or TAPI interface we keep the 
> phone number and try to find the name from sql server : if found 
> we want to push an automatic entry in elog and fill specific field like 
> name/contact/last phone call....
> I will ask to Stephan Ritt what's the best way to include our routine in 
> his standard source ?

As I said, put the perl programs into the "Contributions" logbook, send the 
C source code modifications to me.

> could we create a specific logbook for the wishlist
> in elog/contribution may be some parameters for the actual status of the 
> project ? 

Good idea, will do so.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6