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icon5.gif   using = or <> or AND as part of a filter ??, posted by eric wooten on Sat Jul 26 20:11:01 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: using = or <> or AND as part of a filter ??, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sun Jul 27 16:09:09 2003 
Message ID: 415     Entry time: Sat Jul 26 20:11:01 2003     Reply to this: 416
Icon: Question  Author: eric wooten  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.3.9 
Subject: using = or <> or AND as part of a filter ?? 
Is this possible?  If so, could you provide an example:

I'm trying to find a way that when you do a search, that you can filter 
entries using ( = , <>, AND) on one or more attributes.
ex:  Find all workstations for this subnet, but exclude a particular one.
Thats the basic idea.

Can it be done? If so, how?

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6