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icon5.gif   How to get a list of registered users assigned to an attribute?, posted by Kishore Masand on Thu Jul 31 06:39:40 2003 
    icon2.gif   Re: How to get a list of registered users assigned to an attribute?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Sep 5 17:30:07 2003 
Message ID: 418     Entry time: Thu Jul 31 06:39:40 2003     Reply to this: 428
Icon: Question  Author: Kishore Masand  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.3.9 
Subject: How to get a list of registered users assigned to an attribute? 

I am trying to create an issues logbook where I have defined an attribute 
so I can track who this issue is assigned to. In order to get a drop-down 
list of users of the system to show up for that attribute (when creating a 
new issue), I have to type in the whole list of users in the config file. 
The problem is that whenever a user self-registers, I have to go into the 
config file and add that user to the list. Is there a way to write 
something like this:

Options Assigned To = $user_list

I am a new user, and am thoroughly enjoying working with ELog. Thanks for 
such a neat product. I have not been able to go through all the logs yet 
to figure out if this question has been asked/answered before.
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