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Message ID: 463     Entry time: Thu Jan 29 10:14:13 2004
Icon: Cool  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Linux | Windows | Mac OSX  ELOG Version: 2.5.0 
Subject: New major ELOG version 2.5.0 released 
Version 2.5.0 of ELOG has been released yesterday. The main new feature is 
the automatic mirroring of logbooks between different elog servers. 

This is useful if one wants to synchronize logbooks between a desktop PC 
and a laptop, for example. During synchronization, new or modified entries 
on both sides are merged intelligently. Another application is if several 
companies or institutes want to keep a ELOG database locally, but have the 
databases synchronized periodically with each other. Periodic mirroring 
can be set up with a built in cron-like facility. 

Although the synchronization has been tested extensively, I still consider 
this part in beta state. Before using it, one should make a backup of 
existing logbooks. The flag "Mirror simulate" can be used to test the 
mirroring without actually overwriting or deleting anything. If problems 
arise with mirroring, they should be reported to the author.

Localization files have been updated, so if anybody volunteers to update 
or make a new translation, please contact the author.
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