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icon4.gif   Elog Utility, posted by Charles Duncan on Wed Mar 24 17:48:28 2004 
    icon4.gif   Re: Elog Utility, posted by Charles Duncan on Thu Mar 25 18:20:15 2004 
       icon4.gif   Re: Elog Utility, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 26 09:37:08 2004 
          icon4.gif   Re: Elog Utility, posted by Charles Duncan on Sat Mar 27 18:52:16 2004 
             icon2.gif   Re: Elog Utility, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sun Mar 28 12:45:45 2004 
Message ID: 507     Entry time: Wed Mar 24 17:48:28 2004     Reply to this: 510
Icon: Warning  Author: Charles Duncan  Author Email: Charles@YorkU.CA 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.1-1 Debian Linux 
Subject: Elog Utility 
I am trying to use the Elog Utility to import a few thousand entries. So 
far I have run into a few problems.

a) Cannot get elog utility to speak to elogd on port 8080. Even though I 
use the -p 8080 option with elog. I was able to get it to work when I 
moved my server to port 80.

b) I cannot get elog to work with and attributes or logbooks that contain 
spaces. Please refer the the following example:

elog -v -h -p 80 -a "Station Number"="CC001" -a "Mac 
Address"="000874fdc895" -a "Hostname"="" -a "IP 
Address"="" -a "Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Model Line"="Optiplex" -
a "Model Number"="GX270" -a "Monitor Manufacturer"="Dell" -a "Monitor 
Model"="E151FP" -a "Memory"="512MB" -a "CPU Speed"="2.6GHz" -a "Hard 
Drive"="40GB" -a "Service Count"="-" -l WSC2 -u charles xxxxx "DD/MM/YY: 
Change Description"

This line executes fine. Except only Hostname, Manufacturer, Memory and 
text are populated in the record. All the rest of the fields are blank.

c) the only way I was able to get the transaction to work was by reducing 
the size of the log book to a single word (ie WSC2).

Do I have to reduce all my attributes to single words? Or am I missing 
something simple to use as a delimiter for entry??

Thanks in advance

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6