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icon3.gif   Using Javascript files , posted by Robin Peterson on Wed Mar 31 04:22:57 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: Using Javascript files , posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Apr 5 09:28:19 2004 
Message ID: 517     Entry time: Wed Mar 31 04:22:57 2004     Reply to this: 522
Icon: Idea  Author: Robin Peterson  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.5.2 
Subject: Using Javascript files  
I develop multiple client server apps and web apps deployed on intranets. I
need my users to send me bugs with screenshots attached.

So I'm interested in auto opening a new elog page in an embedded browser and
automatically doing an attachment. I've seen a couple messages about
recently added Javascript hooks (message 465). The message specified a URL
that would fire off javascript(http://localhost/demo/?cmd=New&js=test.js).
Now apparently that wasn't fully working or at least you couldn't bring up
multiple alerts. Has that been fixed, or is it just a problem with alerts?
Can I write a url that has my attributes, plus a short js script that just
adds an attachment?

Anyhow, any info on where this functionality is would be appreciated. I'm
going back to my mgmt for signoff on using this, and if I get it (fairly
high probability), then I'll have a coder start implementing it. :-)

BTW, great tool! Very clean design.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6