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icon1.gif   safari browser issue, posted by damon nettles on Thu Apr 1 19:38:56 2004 
    icon2.gif   Re: safari browser issue, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed May 5 17:38:12 2004 
Message ID: 519     Entry time: Thu Apr 1 19:38:56 2004     Reply to this: 534
Icon: Entry  Author: damon nettles  Author Email: 
Category:   OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.2 
Subject: safari browser issue 
we've experienced a problem when using the safari browser to do a search in
our elog. whenever you do a search, the logbook returns an error and the
elog deamon crashes. when we first experienced this problem we were running
version 2.3.9. however, an upgrade to version 2.5.2 doesn't seem to fix the
problem. searches with other browsers (mozilla, internet explorer, ...) go
off without a hitch.
has anyone else observed a similar problem or have any ideas on how to
resolve this issue.
thanks for the help.

elog running on a redhat 9 box
safari running on panther
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6