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icon5.gif   "Upgrading" from 1.35 to 2.52 fails, posted by PJ Meyer on Thu Apr 1 20:21:26 2004 
    icon5.gif   Re: "Upgrading" from 1.35 to 2.52 fails, posted by PJ Meyer on Fri Apr 2 02:41:36 2004 
Message ID: 521     Entry time: Fri Apr 2 02:41:36 2004     In reply to: 520
Icon: Question  Author: PJ Meyer  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 1.35 to 2.51 
Subject: Re: "Upgrading" from 1.35 to 2.52 fails 
tuens out that the first log file was causing the problem. Elconv would just hang 
on trying to convert it. renamed it, reran elconv, reload service and 2.51 elogd 
and all was working as it should.

> Have a working copy of 1.35 running on NT4 server.
> Went to upgrade to latest version.
> Stopped service, installed the 2.52 version, restarted service and when 
> trying to connect get nothing but server not found, dns errors, etc.
> Copy back the 1.35 elogd.exe and everything is fine - I can connect and add 
> entries to log.
> Copy 2.52 elogd.exe and nothing.
> So being the bright boy, I unistalled E-log, went through the registry and 
> yanked everything out that referenced ELOGD, rebooted, installed 2.52, made 
> the necessary registry changes, started service and nothing. 
> Stopped service and copied 1.35 Elogd.exe back into folder, started service, 
> and everything works.
> Any ideas on why 1.35 works like a charm but 2.52 won't? I've tried stepping 
> back to 2.10 version before giving up.
> This is a server that is patched to latest and runs quite well with 1.35.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6