> 1. Is there a possiblity to fix the position of the attribut fields if they are in
> the same line? As. ex. if one attribute is empty or contain a very short value it may
> be possible that the position of the following atrributes in the line are moving to
> the left, if the value is very long, they move to the right side. This make it
> sometime not easy to read the informations, specially if the user browses trough some
> entries, the picture the eyes are scanning is changing.
Yes there is a possibility. In the format option, you can specify two CSS names, one for the
attribute and one for it's value. The default ones are "attribname" and "attribvalue". Just
make new ones by copying these two, renaming it to something like xxxname and xxxvalue where
"xxxx" is the name of the attribute. You find that in the file themes/default/default.css.
They contain a field called "width:" which can be changed:
.typename {
width:150px; <-- must be changed
border:1px solid #0000FF;
border-top:1px solid white;
border-left:1px solid white;
By having separate classes for all attributed, you can change their width separately,
accomplishing hopefully what you need.
> 2. Did I understand you right, that tis will not work while editing? I would like to
> put this to the wish list for a uppcoming version (not very importand, but VERY nice
> to have), that it may be possible to use Format in the new and edit mode too, because
> it is somtimes more comfortable to have some attributes grouped locically in one line
> or to have a overview over all attributes on one screen without scrolling while editing.
I will put this on the wishlist.
Stefan |