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icon5.gif   How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options, posted by Bartjan Wattel on Mon Jul 12 15:27:25 2004 
    icon5.gif   Re: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jul 12 15:57:39 2004 
       icon5.gif   Re: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options, posted by Bartjan Wattel on Wed Jul 14 11:49:26 2004 
          icon2.gif   Re: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 14 11:57:18 2004 
Message ID: 586     Entry time: Mon Jul 12 15:27:25 2004     Reply to this: 588
Icon: Question  Author: Bartjan Wattel  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.5.3 
Subject: How to construct different logbooks with the same logbook options 

I want to create a series of logbooks, say logbook A, and logbooks B up to 
including S. I want the logbooks B,C,D,E,...S to have the same options and 
layout, the only difference is: the name of the logbook, and an options or 
extendable options list. All other settings of logbooks B-S are the same, 
while logbook A is a completely different logbook. 

I know I can simply copy the settings for logbook B and repeat the settings 
for all logbooks C-S. But is there a better way to accomplish this?

Bartjan Wattel
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6