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icon3.gif   #include statements and attachment visibility, posted by Yoshio Imai on Thu Feb 28 19:07:19 2008 
    icon2.gif   Re: #include statements and attachment visibility, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Mar 6 14:03:17 2008 
       icon6.gif   Re: #include statements and attachment visibility, posted by Yoshio Imai on Thu Mar 6 18:19:48 2008 
          icon2.gif   Re: #include statements and attachment visibility, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Mar 7 08:01:44 2008 
             icon14.gif   Re: #include statements and attachment visibility, posted by Yoshio Imai on Fri Mar 7 13:07:34 2008 
Message ID: 65768     Entry time: Thu Mar 6 14:03:17 2008     In reply to: 65761     Reply to this: 65771
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux | All  ELOG Version: 2.6.5 
Subject: Re: #include statements and attachment visibility 

Yoshio Imai wrote:
Recently, one collaborator here noted that it would be helpful if the preview of attached files could be disabled on a file-by-file basis (via a checkbutton next to the "Upload" button maybe?). This applies e.g. to cases where someone performs a measurement outside of routine operations and attaches the ASCII data file (preview not wanted, in particular if it contains many lines) and the graph representing the evaluation (preview wanted). The disabling should apply to both single-entry view and list view with "Show attachments" option.

I made you something even better: I added a new option called Attachment lines. This number restricts the number of lines shown for any ASCII attachment. The default is 300, but you can set this to 10 maybe. This still shows you the first 10 lines of the attachment which might be handy. If you set this value to zero, no line at all is shown. The new feature is in SVN revision 2069.

Yoshio Imai wrote:
Another "fancy" idea of ours would be to allow #include-like statements in the ELOG config file. E.g. if the number of logbooks gets large, people might choose to put old logbooks to an archive disk which is then stored on some shelf. If a user then wants to access these, the disk could be mounted again (say, under /elog-archive). But since we don't know which archive disk has been mounted, and in order to keep the main config file small, the best would be to have the configurations for the logbooks of each disk on the disk itself (say, in a file called additional.config). We could then have a line like
#include /elog-archive/additional.config
in the main config file. When the elogd is (re)started, it would try to include that file. If it finds none (because no archive disk is mounted) it would silently ignore this. But if it finds such a file, it would include the logbook definitions found therein.

I will put this feature on the wishlist.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6