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Message ID: 65827     Entry time: Sat Apr 12 16:37:44 2008
Icon: Idea  Author: Arno Teunisse  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Windows  ELOG Version:  
Subject: Manual installing elog as service on Windows 


Sometimes it can come in handy to start a temporary elog service on the Windows platform. ( Maybe for testing purposes )

You can use the SC.exe utility to do that. If it is not on you're system you may download it from :

For this you can use the following procedure ( from the dos prompt ) :

 sc.exe create AIX-elog binPath= "\"c:\ELOG2.7.3\elogd.exe\" -D -c c:\ELOG2.7.3\security.cfg" DisPlayname= "AIX Elog Security" start= auto

If all went well the system answers :

 [SC] CreateService SUCCESS

Please notice the strange way the double quotes are used and the space after the = in the above command.

Now open the windows services ( from the prompt ) : services.msc

In the window that opens you will see the just created service with the DisPlayname you gave in the above command.

You see it is not started. You could click start, but there is an other way.

Now you can start the service from the prompt using the DisPlayname :

  net start "AIX elog security"

Press F5 ( refresh ) in the services window and you will see that the service is started.

Or stop the service :

  net stop "AIX elog security"

To remove the service ( from the registry ) :

   sc.exe delete AIX-elog

The system gives back :

  [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS

The other option is to start elogd.exe from the prompt :

  elogd.exe -c 

This is all for now


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6