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icon3.gif   LaTeX support, posted by Jochen Krempel on Wed Apr 23 18:59:30 2008 
    icon2.gif   Re: LaTeX support, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 24 07:51:23 2008 
Message ID: 65850     Entry time: Wed Apr 23 18:59:30 2008     Reply to this: 65851
Icon: Idea  Author: Jochen Krempel  Author Email: krempel(at) 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.7.3 
Subject: LaTeX support 

I would appreciate if elog could provide a simple support for mathematical expressions.

A solution similar to wikimedia should be easy to implement and would help a lot.

The idea is to parse the elog entry for a tag (e.g.  <math></math>), extract the code, wrap it into a latex file, and pass this to latex, GhostScript, and ImageMagic. (The latter are already used by Elog, therefore the changes should not be too big.) The resulting image file would then be referenced by the  elog html code.

Of course, the FCKeditor would not support LaTeX. However, the majority of elog-useres should be scientists and rather familiar with LaTeX. Therefore it should be fine if the original LaTeX code is saved (e.g. in the ALT-tag of the image) and the replacement "code to image" is undone for editing.

Kind regards,

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6