Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Samrit wrote: |
Dear All
I can't uplode Attach file. It have Error
Error: Filename "D:\aaa.doc" contains invalid character |
Please use your browser's back button to go back |
Thank you very much
The problematic part is the "\" in the filename, which is not correctly recognized as a directory. I will fix this in the next release. For now, just click on the Browse button, navigate to d:\, and then select there the file aaa.doc.
Hi, I'm having the same problem, too, when attempting to upload an attachment. I'm using version 2.7.3-2095.
I wasn't able to attach an image by clicking on the Browse button, clicking on the desired file, hitting the Open button, and then hitting the Upload button. I just noticed that I could upload my error screen to this forum:
Thanks for any help you can provide.
