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icon5.gif   Restricting viewing messages, posted by Jen Manz on Wed Aug 11 15:38:07 2004 Welcome_Login.txtelogd.txt
    icon2.gif   Re: Restricting viewing messages, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Aug 11 16:02:52 2004 
Message ID: 659     Entry time: Wed Aug 11 15:38:07 2004     Reply to this: 660
Icon: Question  Author: Jen Manz  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version:  
Subject: Restricting viewing messages 
I am working on a logbook for a lab.  I have two questions...
First - Some of the logbook entries should not be viewed by certain users.  
What would be the easiest way to restrict viewing some entries?  

Second - I have a welcome page for the ELOG that lists some info about the 
ELOG.  When I start the ELOG, the user sees the login page.  After the user 
logs in, the welcome page appears listing the restrictions.  Right now, I 
have a hyperlink that takes the user to new, find, etc.  But I would like 
to take the user right to the logbook and not have to come back to the 
welcome page everytime.  How can I do this?

I have attached the code I have so far.  They are in .txt format for easier 

Attachment 1: Welcome_Login.txt  174 Bytes  | Hide | Hide all
<h1>Welcome to the PEBL Logbook</h1>
<li><a href="?cmd=new">Enter</a> new entry in the logbook

<P ALIGN=CENTER>Information included herein is controlled.</P>
Attachment 2: elogd.txt  1 kB  Uploaded Wed Aug 11 16:39:51 2004  | Hide | Hide all
logbook tabs = 0
port = 8080
Admin user = jmanz
Logfile = c:\Program Files\ELOG\logbooks\PEBL_Log
Logging level = 2

Welcome page = Welcome_Login.html
Theme = default
Comment = PEBL Logbook
Attributes = Author, Material Group, Type, Category, Subject
Find Menu commands = New, Reply, Find, Logout, Help
Options Material Group = Computers, Consoles, Other
ROptions Category = Hardware, Software, Both, Neither
Preset Category = Hardware
Required Attributes = Author, Material Group, Type, Category
Preset Text = Restricted Info
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Attachment comment=Use "Browse" to select the attachment and "Upload" to save the attachment.  Repeat for multiple attachments.
Message comment = Restricted Info 
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date
Entries per page = 100
password file = c:\Program Files\ELOG\elog.pwd
Self Register = 1
Login expiration = 0
Protect Selection page = 1
Suppress Email to users = 1
Suppress default = 2
Restrict Edit = 1

Locked Attributes = Author
Preset Author = $short_name
Subst on reply Subject = Re: $subject

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6