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icon4.gif   TCK-##### stopped Working, posted by Don Perrea on Mon Jul 14 16:25:21 2008 
    icon2.gif   Re: TCK-##### stopped Working, posted by Don Perrea on Mon Jul 14 17:19:13 2008 
Message ID: 65926     Entry time: Mon Jul 14 17:19:13 2008     In reply to: 65925
Icon: Reply  Author: Don Perrea  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.4 
Subject: Re: TCK-##### stopped Working 

Don Perrea wrote:

We have been successfully using the TCK-##### for several months and suddenly today it has stopped incrementing. We were at ticket # 40 and this morning any new tickets come up as 12 and never increment? We have tried restarting the elog service. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Thank You



My apologies for posting this question. I have found the solution.

We had two log books each with the same variable called "Ticket" but different values. When an entry from one was Moved to the other the counter was confused. I had to manually change the value of "Ticket" to match the convention of the log book that the entry was now in.





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6