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icon5.gif   2 questions :: different colors in list view based on "type" + change verbage of "type", posted by dale cooper on Fri Aug 8 00:44:26 2008 
    icon2.gif   Re: 2 questions :: different colors in list view based on "type" + change verbage of "type", posted by Yoshio Imai on Fri Aug 8 14:20:27 2008 
       icon2.gif   Re: 2 questions :: different colors in list view based on "type" + change verbage of "type", posted by dale cooper on Mon Aug 11 06:56:56 2008 
Message ID: 65944     Entry time: Fri Aug 8 00:44:26 2008     Reply to this: 65945
Icon: Question  Author: dale cooper  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.7.4x 
Subject: 2 questions :: different colors in list view based on "type" + change verbage of "type" 

hello all,

#1 i love ELOG : excellent app! i would like to ask/present a question here -- I have a couple of TYPE's defined as;

       Options Type = Day Shift, Swing Shift, Night Shift
What I'd love to be able to do, is depending on what TYPE was selected during the creation of a NEW ENTRY in the ELOG "shift log" I'd love to display in the LIST VIEW (full, summary, or threaded views) different color's based on which TYPE was selected...

for example, if someone chose "Day Shift" that would be listed with a GREEN background, if someone chooses "Swing Shift" that gets a BLUE background, and so forth... I am wondering how one would go about implementing this?

second question... instead of listing the column named TYPE, can I just change it somewhere in the config to "SHIFT" so that in the list view, and even when in the NEW ENTRY form, I'd like it to show "Shift" instead of TYPE --- really I am just wondering if I can change the verbage that ELOG is using for the term TYPE? Is that doable?


Thanks for the app, I look forward to any reponses! I been editing the CSS, and once done think I'll add it to yr Config Examples, as I don't see many CSS themes there...


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6