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icon1.gif   Is there a way to send email notification without attachment, posted by Samuel Morris on Mon Sep 8 14:22:10 2008 
    icon2.gif   Re: Is there a way to send email notification without attachment, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 8 17:24:57 2008 
       icon2.gif   Re: Is there a way to send email notification without attachment, posted by Samuel Morris on Tue Sep 9 08:03:55 2008 
          icon2.gif   Re: Is there a way to send email notification without attachment, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Sep 9 08:42:52 2008 
             icon2.gif   Re: Is there a way to send email notification without attachment, posted by Samuel Morris on Tue Sep 9 11:13:15 2008 
                icon2.gif   Re: Is there a way to send email notification without attachment, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Sep 9 11:55:59 2008 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Is there a way to send email notification without attachment, posted by Samuel Morris on Mon Sep 15 08:27:16 2008 
                      icon2.gif   Re: Is there a way to send email notification without attachment, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 15 08:51:57 2008 
Message ID: 65969     Entry time: Tue Sep 9 08:42:52 2008     In reply to: 65967     Reply to this: 65970
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.6.3 
Subject: Re: Is there a way to send email notification without attachment 


Samuel Morris wrote:


Stefan Ritt wrote:
Samuel Morris wrote:

Is there any way to send email notification of only the message and not the attachment. We get entries consisting of 10 MBs sometimes, and we would like to send only the message and not the attachment in the email notification. I tried restricting postfix to 1MB and using Email Format = 111 but with no success.

You have to use 

Email Format = 47

to remove the attachments. The encoding is decimal, not binary, so you have to do 1+2+4+8+32.


 Dear Stefan,

I tried Email Format =47 . still am having problems.

With Postfix limitation of 1MB elog is giving error message of 'Error sending Email via "<domain name>": 5.3.4 Error: message file too big

Without Postfix limitation, its sending email with the attachment.



 I guess you are modifying the wrong elogd.cfg file. Note that you have to send a HUP signal after you changed elgod.cfg for the daemon to re-read the file. Try modifying something else (like adding a new attribute) and see if the daemon sees the change.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6