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Message ID: 66000     Entry time: Mon Oct 13 15:24:29 2008
Icon: Warning  Author: T. Ribbrock  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.5-2130 
Subject: Options selections wipes locked date entry 

I have two logbooks running, one for current accounts and one for non-active ones. The idea is to move an entry from one logbook to the other once an account becomes non-active. Both logbooks share some attributes (e.g. the name of the account, its creation date, ...), but both also have some uniqe attributes.

While I was playing with this set-up, I ran into a problem:

  1. Move an existing entry from current to non-active.
    • "Type" and "Status" have options. "Created" and "Archived" are in date format.
    • "Created" and "Type" are supposed to be locked in non-active. This works.
    • "Archived" and "Status" are empty, as they do not exist in current. This also works.
    • Depending on the "Type", only certain of the additional attributes are shown on edit. This works as well.
    • I would also like "Status" to have some influence on how certain other attributes are preset and/or shown. This is where the problem starts...
  2. Edit the entry in current.
    • As expected, "Created" and "Type" are shown as locked.
    • As soon as I change the selector for "State", the whole edit mask is redrawn - and the date shown in "Created" is deleted.

I've been experimenting with this quite a while and as far as can see the following applies:

  • Only date format attributes are affected
  • Only locked attributes seem to be deleted completely
  • If I have a date attribute that is not locked and I set it partially in the edit mask (e.g. only select the month or enter a year), it is also deleted
  • If I have a date attribute that is not locked and I set it completely in the edit mask (i.e. day, month and year), it is not deleted

During the experiments I came up with a stripped down version of the non-active logbook configuration, which does show the bug. It only contains Type, Created, Status, Archived. To make an entry to experiment, you'll have to comment out the "Locked attributes" line, make a new entry (with "Created" date), the uncomment that line.

I hope my description isn't too confusing - please don't hesitate to ask if anything is unclear. I'd be much obliged if you saw a chance to fix this at some point...

Best regards,


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