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icon1.gif   Elogd crashes, posted by soren poulsen on Wed Oct 22 12:44:48 2008 
    icon2.gif   Re: Elogd crashes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 22 15:15:46 2008 
       icon2.gif   Re: Elogd crashes, posted by soren poulsen on Thu Oct 23 08:12:06 2008 
          icon2.gif   Re: Elogd crashes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Oct 29 07:07:47 2008 
Message ID: 66011     Entry time: Thu Oct 23 08:12:06 2008     In reply to: 66010     Reply to this: 66021
Icon: Reply  Author: soren poulsen  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.5 
Subject: Re: Elogd crashes 

Dear Stefan,

Thanks for your reply.

I started running elog in February and it never failed. Then it started failing regularly towards the end of September. There were no system changes until then, except the daily automatic Yum updates (SLC4). Then I upgraded to the latest version (tar ball of 2.7.5). Then yesterday it crashed again. I saw that it crashed around the time when a user was doing something - inputting new data. I can monitor when it crashes and correlate it with user activity. But it is not easy to reproduce since I don't know exactly what the user is typing.

It would be necessary to record the user input forms and then replay them against a known server state. But that is not so easy.

I will think about doing something else - maybe running inside a debugger as you suggest.


Stefan Ritt wrote:


soren poulsen wrote:


 I am experiencing trouble with Elog crashing. I think it crashes during input operations (new entries are being added).

Are there any preferred methods to troubleshoot this ? Any log files I could look at ?

For now, I let "monit" supervise the process and restart it if it crashes. But I would like to get to the root cause of the problem.

Soren Poulsen



Dear Soren,

sorry for the trouble, but it's very hard to diagnose this remotely. This forum here runs fine for many months, so in principle Elog should be stable (at least the current version 2.7.5). If you have an older version, please upgrade. If you have a way to reproduce the problem reliably, you can send me your config file and explain step-by-step how you make Elog crash. Then I can try to reproduce it here. Otherwise the only chance I see is to run elog from inside the debugger, and once it crashes record the stack trace and send it to me. If you don't know how to use the gnu debugger, I'm sure you find someone at CERN who knows. 

Best regards,



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6