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icon3.gif   Please add Subst on Duplicate, posted by Dennis Seitz on Tue Dec 9 00:25:52 2008 
    icon2.gif   Re: Please add Subst on Duplicate, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Dec 9 08:04:00 2008 
       icon2.gif   Re: Please add Subst on Duplicate, posted by Dennis Seitz on Wed Dec 10 03:11:01 2008 
Message ID: 66105     Entry time: Wed Dec 10 03:11:01 2008     In reply to: 66104
Icon: Reply  Author: Dennis Seitz  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.7.5 
Subject: Re: Please add Subst on Duplicate 


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Dennis Seitz wrote:

 I would like to be able to substitute some attribute values when an entry is duplicated. I don't see Subst on Duplicate available in the cfg file syntax. Can you add that?


Subst on Duplicate does not make sense. Subst always works after you submit an entry, while Preset works before you enter the entry. When you Duplicate an entry, it looks like a new one, just with attributes and text from another entry. So when you submit that one, the system cannot distinguish if you entered a new one by yourself or if this is based on a copy of another entry. So what you probably need is Preset on duplicate.

Thanks for explaining.

I thought Preset would work with Duplicate since Duplicate creates a new entry, but it didn't. Then I tried Subst because Duplicating an entry opens it in Edit mode, so you are in effect Duplicating, and then Editing the entry. It just didn't occur to me to look for Preset on Duplicate.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6