Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Carsten Elftmann wrote: |
I have there a problem with the error message at required attributes.
I have two logbooks with identical settings,
in one the errror message appears as Javascript Alert,
in the other one as html-page, and after using the back button the entered text disapear.
Same I have in this forum.
Can you describe what you exactly enter in this forum to produce the error so that I can reproduce it?
I could not produce this error here again, so I work on that:
There was a attribute with Type = Date, Preset = $Date.
This added following js code
for (var i=0 ; i<document.form1.y0.value.length ; i++) if ((document.form1.y0.value.charAt(i) < "0" || document.form1.y0.value.charAt(i) > "9")) { break }
This cause in following error
Fehler: document.form1.y0 is undefined Quelldatei: Zeile: 16
After that error none js will be executed.
After remarking the Type line, all work well.