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icon1.gif   Attachment problems, posted by Dennis Seitz on Fri Feb 27 16:43:01 2009 Picture_1.png
    icon2.gif   Re: Attachment problems, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Feb 27 17:25:30 2009 Capture.png
       icon2.gif   Re: Attachment problems, posted by Dennis Seitz on Fri Feb 27 20:52:42 2009 
Message ID: 66228     Entry time: Fri Feb 27 16:43:01 2009     Reply to this: 66229
Icon: Entry  Author: Dennis Seitz  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Mac OSX  ELOG Version: 2.7.5 
Subject: Attachment problems 

Apologies if these are known bugs, I'm very busy at the moment but I wanted to post this before I forget:

I'm using Safari on a Mac to make Elog entries.

1) The preview of some pdf attachments in edit mode displays huge areas of white space around each page. I can send examples if you'd like - please email me directly, for some reason I never get email notifications from this forum (and they aren't being tagged as spam, so I don't know where they go).

2) When that happens, the text entry area for ELcode format expands horizontally to match the huge pdf file width. Text without line feeds then doesn't wrap until the huge window width is filled, so I have to scroll horizontally all the time while editing to see what I've written.

3) So I turned off attachment previewing as a workaround (Preview attachments = 0 ). That worked fine by not expanding the entry area, but I noticed some odd behavior. The list of attachments below the text entry area is badly formatted. Here's a screen shot:


I tried to reproduce this with a new entry but the text was formatted properly for that entry.

P.S. While editing this entry, I see that the text area width is again being set by the width of the picture I've attached - try it yourself; if you try to resize your browser window smaller while editing, the text will only wrap until the width of the attachment is reached - the text no longer wraps at smaller widths than the attachment. 

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6