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icon3.gif   Adding texts for each attachment, posted by Dongwook Jang on Mon Mar 16 22:33:23 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Adding texts for each attachment, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Mar 16 22:53:22 2009 elog.png
       icon2.gif   Re: Adding texts for each attachment, posted by Dongwook Jang on Tue Mar 17 02:05:08 2009 
          icon2.gif   Re: Adding texts for each attachment, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Mar 18 04:23:41 2009 
Message ID: 66253     Entry time: Tue Mar 17 02:05:08 2009     In reply to: 66252     Reply to this: 66254
Icon: Reply  Author: Dongwook Jang  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.5-2130 
Subject: Re: Adding texts for each attachment 

Stefan Ritt wrote:


Dongwook Jang wrote:

Dear Stefan,

First of all, I appreciate that you made such a nice program. I've used elog for more than 5 years and it was wonderful experince to me and my research work was very productive with this.

I have a suggestion to you to improve this while I was using elog. If users can add texts or comments for each attachment, it will be great.

I am not sure if someone was already suggested this or it is already in your wish list.

Thank you.

Dongwook Jang


Dear Dongwook,

no, this is not implemented and also was never requested. The way most people work is that images are included directly in the text, and the the text goes along with that.

So for example if I want to show you the ELOG logo, I put it here: elog.png 

If I want to add a comment for an attachment, I write it in the text and just refence the attachment with link. This way is more flexible that adding just a line of text to each attachment, since you can write several lines in the text, make a table etc. etc.



Dear Stefan,

Maybe I used elog with very inefficient way so far. The way you suggested requires putting figures somewhere else, right?

Elog saves attachments on the machine that elog is running. I want to store figures in elog.

The logo you showed above is stored in this entry?

Thank you.

Dongwook Jang

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6