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icon3.gif   conditional attributes, posted by W.Koster on Thu Apr 9 10:39:34 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: conditional attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 9 10:52:29 2009 
Message ID: 66292     Entry time: Thu Apr 9 10:52:29 2009     In reply to: 66291
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux | Other  ELOG Version: V2.7.5-213 
Subject: Re: conditional attributes 
> I'm (ab)using elog as a database and would like to use conditional attributes, like:
> Attributes = PC Name, Operating System, Version, Distribution
> Options Operating System = Linux{1}, Windows{2}
> {1} Show Attributes Edit = Operating System, Distribution, PC Name
> {2} Show Attributes Edit = Operating System, PC Name, Version
> Problem is that there are several conditions and the list of attributes is rather long. Also, since it's a
> rather dynamic environment I have to make new attributes all the time, and adding them to all "show attributes"
>  lists is not only tedious, but bound to cause errors as well.
> So... 
> I was thinking, would it be an idea to make the list of attributes to be shown or hidden on a per attribute base.
> Like:
> Attributes = PC Name, Operating System, Version, Distribution
> # hide specific attributes
> Hide attributes = Distribution, PC Name
> # or configure which fields should be shown allways
> Show Attributes = Operating System, Version
> # add attributes based on OS
> Options Operating System = Linux{1}, Windows{2}
> {1} Show Attribute Edit = Distribution
> {2} Show Attribute Edit = PC Name
> (just thinking out loud here).

Sure such a think can be implemented, but I have no time right now to do so. I will put it on the wish list.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6