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icon5.gif   Database Like - ELOG Format, posted by mike cianci on Wed Apr 29 12:28:13 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Database Like - ELOG Format, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Apr 30 08:48:01 2009 
Message ID: 66337     Entry time: Thu Apr 30 08:48:01 2009     In reply to: 66334
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.5-2185 
Subject: Re: Database Like - ELOG Format 
mike cianci wrote:


I am using the Database Like - ELOG format and on the list page, the the last two columns (on the right side) are, "Text" and "Attachments (the paperclip)".

Both of which I have deleted from the input page.

Is there anyway to remove them from the List page?

Thanks,      Mike

You need:

Show text = 0

Enable Attachments = 0

to supress the text entry box and the attachment field.

Display search = ID, Type, Location, Status

to show only the attributs of interest in the list display (your attributes could be different)

Summary lines = 0

to supress the text in the list display. At the moment, this still shows the paperclip colum, but I want to fix this in the next version.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6