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icon8.gif   Embedded images break when moving from one book to another., posted by Mike on Fri May 8 16:32:03 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Embedded images break when moving from one book to another., posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jun 4 15:37:44 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: Embedded images break when moving from one book to another., posted by Mike on Thu Jun 4 17:51:02 2009 
          icon2.gif   Re: Embedded images break when moving from one book to another., posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jun 5 12:42:55 2009 
             icon2.gif   Re: Embedded images break when moving from one book to another., posted by Mike on Fri Jun 5 14:13:52 2009 
Message ID: 66375     Entry time: Thu Jun 4 17:51:02 2009     In reply to: 66374     Reply to this: 66381
Icon: Reply  Author: Mike  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.6-2204 
Subject: Re: Embedded images break when moving from one book to another. 

Stefan Ritt wrote:


Mike wrote:

Here's the issue. We use elog to develope products we need to be able to see all the thumbnail images in a

particular logbook. Our default view is to use the threaded view fully expanded in order to have all the thumbnails

be displayed for each product. This works fine but when we move one message to another logbook the thumbnails

end up getting broken and won't be displayed. The only way to fix this is to remove the image and re-upload the

picture after the message is moved. This is not a good option because we have hundrends of items that are

constantly being moved around from logbook to logbook. Any ideas?





On further inspection it seems that when you are moving messages to another log book the image date filename

is re-written which of course breaks the html link to the image.  Is there anyway to supress this so that the filename

stays in tact when it's moved from one book to another. I don't see why the name of an attachment has to get changed

just because something is moved around.


I fixed this in revision #2204. The attachment names now stay the same. There is one tiny risk of screwing up, namely if you have the same attachment name in two different logbooks (accidentally also submitted at the same second and therefore the same time stamp). If you then copy these two entries to a third logbook, one attachment will overwrite the other one, but that risk is indeed really small. I actually had to re-write the link to the attachment inside the text body (even differently for ELCode and HTML encoding). So I'm not 100% sure I covered all cases, so just give it a try.

 This is a major improvement. The only issue now is when we embed an image in the body of the message elog makes a nice thumbnail. When you move the message to another logbook the thumbnail doesn't work and instead it shows the MASSIVE full size version of the picture instead. Is that possible to fix?


Thanks Stefan!


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6