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icon8.gif   synchronization, posted by lance on Wed Jun 17 09:05:27 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: synchronization, posted by lance on Fri Jun 19 09:44:02 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: synchronization, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jun 25 16:30:24 2009 
          icon2.gif   Re: synchronization, posted by lance on Fri Jun 26 14:27:27 2009 log_for_stefan.pdfPMCLogfile
             icon2.gif   Re: synchronization, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Aug 3 10:16:12 2009 
Message ID: 66422     Entry time: Thu Jun 25 16:30:24 2009     In reply to: 66405     Reply to this: 66425
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.2 
Subject: Re: synchronization 

lance wrote:

lance wrote:

We are running elog across two sites and synchronizing every four hours on change only. There are about 100 entries per day of which most are just one line entries. However this is taking up to 9 mins and during the replication process the server gives us an "unavailable" error. We are using a T1 across the sites so bandwidth should not be an issue, I am confused as to why this takes so long.

The issue for us is not how long the sync takes, providing this was happening in the background, and doesnt lock out the server while the replication was taking place. We are operating under a 24 hour call center type environment so the server being available all the time is of paramount importance.

We use version 2.7.2 and I know there have been several changes made since this version. Would changing to the latest version have any impact on this?







I have been running logging and I think I have found the problem however I do not know how to resolve it.

Here is where it is going wrong:

19-May-2009 04:02:48 [] {NSS} MIRROR: ID21268: Local entry submitted

19-May-2009 04:07:34 [] {AMC} MIRROR: send entry #31056

It seems that when it has finished replication on one logbook there is a significant time before the next logbook replication starts. During this time the server is not avalable. I have noticed that the time between ending one logbook and starting the next differs betwee 2 and 5 minutes. Again the server is not available when this happens.

Do you have any idea?





I need more information to narrow down the problem:

- does this only happen on automatic mirroring or also when you do a manual synchronize?

- does this happen on both sides, like when you make the "other" elog server the master?

- if the server is inresponsive, does the CPU on that machine go to 100% or to 0%?

- do you have very long attachments in your logbooks?

- do you have the same problem on a "tiny" logbook like it comes with the distribution?

- are you using any Apache proxy in between?

I'm afraid that in the end you have to debug this yourself, since it will be very hard for me to reproduce exactly your problem (unless you send me all your files). 



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6