Thanks for a great piece of software - it does so much and is (mostly) so simple to use. However, I do have a suggestion that (for me, at least) would make it even better -
I use elog for a variety of logging tasks but find that, because I want to see as complete a summary as possible, the list page can get very crowded with longer fields wrapping over several lines. I would like to have more control over the way attributes are displayed here. Specifically, being able to truncate data (e.g. to show just the first n characters of a description), being able to select a substring (e.g. displaying characters before the '@' character to remove the domain from an email address or displaying characters after the space to remove the day from a date in ddd dd/mm/yy format) and being able to concatenate fields (e.g. to show a reference in a single cell as "Incident 1234" by joining call type and call reference attributes).