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icon4.gif   Checks on datetime seconds field generate warning in IE7, posted by Richard Stamper on Wed Jul 1 17:00:30 2009 Javascript_warning.jpg
    icon2.gif   Re: Checks on datetime seconds field generate warning in IE7, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jul 2 08:36:57 2009 
Message ID: 66429     Entry time: Thu Jul 2 08:36:57 2009     In reply to: 66428
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.6-2227 
Subject: Re: Checks on datetime seconds field generate warning in IE7 

Richard Stamper wrote:

When adding a log entry containing a datetime field using the IE7 browser a Javascript warning is displayed - see the attachment.  This is due to a change in the naming of the "seconds" field of a datetime entry (made in version 2143) not being propagated to the code that generates the Javascript that checks the supplied values.

Suggested patch follows.

Change "s%d" to "c%d" in lines 9675 and 9678.

Showing lines 9675-9680 below, change from:

               rsprintf("  if (document.form1.s%d.value == \"\") {\n", i);
               sprintf(str, loc("Please enter second for attribute '%s'"), attr_list[i]);
               rsprintf("    alert(\"%s\");\n", str);
               rsprintf("    document.form1.s%d.focus();\n", i);
               rsprintf("    return false;\n");
               rsprintf("  }\n");


               rsprintf("  if (document.form1.c%d.value == \"\") {\n", i);
               sprintf(str, loc("Please enter second for attribute '%s'"), attr_list[i]);
               rsprintf("    alert(\"%s\");\n", str);
               rsprintf("    document.form1.c%d.focus();\n", i);
               rsprintf("    return false;\n");
               rsprintf("  }\n");


Richard Stamper

This is absolutely correct, even the right fix. I put that into the distribution. Thanks a lot. 

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6